Difference between a highway and freeway

Highway vs. freeway (6 differences explained)

Is There An Interstate In All 50 States?

There are 48 states with designated interstates where the interstates continue past the state’s border. Hawaii has roads similar to interstates but the numbers start with “H” versus an “I”. These roads, of course, do not connect to other states in the interstate system, but they still meet the interstate standards.

Alaska also has roads that meet these standards but do not connect directly with another state. Four states have state capitals not serviced by the interstate highway system: Juneau, AK; Dover, DE; Jefferson City, MO; and Pierre, SD. 

Pro Tip: Before you hitch up and head out, discover Is Interstate Towing Harder or Easier?

Автобаны и шоссе

Автобан — это особый тип автомобильной дороги, который обычно соединяет крупные города и регионы. Он предназначен для быстрого и эффективного движения автомобилей на большие расстояния. Автобаны часто обладают отличным качеством покрытия и хорошо отмечены, что обеспечивает безопасность и комфорт во время поездок.

Особенности автобана:

  • Высокая скоростная проходимость — на автобане разрешена высокая скорость движения, что позволяет водителям быстро перемещаться от одного пункта к другому.
  • Отсутствие перекрестков и пешеходных переходов — на автобане нет перекрестков, светофоров и пешеходных переходов, что позволяет автомобилям двигаться без остановок и переключений.
  • Разделение направлений движения — автобаны обычно имеют несколько полос, разделенных барьерами, которые разделяют движение в разных направлениях.
  • Ограниченный доступ — для использования автобана могут устанавливаться определенные требования и ограничения, такие как наличие специальных разрешений или запрет на движение для некоторых категорий транспорта.
  • Плата за использование — некоторые автобаны могут взимать плату за их использование, чтобы обеспечить финансирование строительства и содержания.

Шоссе — это категория автомобильной дороги, предназначенная для движения автомобилей на дальние расстояния. Шоссе обычно соединяют различные населенные пункты, регионы и туристические места. Они могут иметь различные размеры и типы покрытия, в зависимости от своего назначения и инфраструктуры региона.

Основные особенности шоссе:

  • Хорошее качество покрытия — шоссе обычно имеют гладкое и качественное покрытие, которое обеспечивает комфортное и безопасное движение автомобилей.
  • Наличие перекрестков и развязок — на шоссе могут быть перекрестки, развязки и другие элементы дорожной инфраструктуры, которые обеспечивают возможность поворотов и смены направления движения.
  • Различная скоростная проходимость — на шоссе могут действовать различные ограничения скорости, в зависимости от условий дорожного движения и требований безопасности.
  • Бесплатное использование — большинство шоссе являются общественным достоянием и могут быть использованы бесплатно для всех пользователей.

Как автобаны, так и шоссе играют важную роль в современной автомобильной инфраструктуре, обеспечивая эффективное и безопасное движение транспорта. Их особенности и функции отличаются, поэтому водители должны быть внимательны и следовать указаниям и ограничениям, чтобы обеспечить безопасность и комфорт во время поездок на этих дорогах.


If you go on searching about highways and freeways on the internet you would find numerous articles. It would say that “All freeways are highways, but not all highways are freeways.” But there is something more to it. Freeways are extra compensation roads in highways, where there are no traffic signals, intersections, crossings with railways or other roads. Nowadays, all highways need to have freeways to compensate for the overly increased number of automobiles. In this article, you will understand how on famous crossings of highways, people face a lot of jams; just like that there are an infinite number of articles all over the internet but this might be the right signal you are waiting for.


Are Interstates safer than other roads?

Due to design standards, Interstates tend to have lower accident rates than other types of roads.

Fiza RafiqueOct 04, 2023


Do all countries have freeways?

Many countries have similar concepts, but they might be named differently, like motorways in the UK.

Fiza RafiqueOct 04, 2023


What’s an Interstate?

An Interstate is a highway that’s part of the U.S. Interstate System, connecting multiple states.

Fiza RafiqueOct 04, 2023


Can any road become an Interstate?

No, there are specific criteria and federal standards a road must meet to be designated as an Interstate.

Fiza RafiqueOct 04, 2023


What’s the difference between a freeway exit and an Interstate exit?

Both refer to the points where drivers can leave the road, but «Interstate exit» specifically refers to exits on the U.S. Interstate System.

Fiza RafiqueOct 04, 2023


How fast can you drive on a freeway?

Speed limits vary, but freeways generally have higher limits than city streets.

Fiza RafiqueOct 04, 2023


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Written by
Fiza Rafique

Fiza Rafique is a skilled content editor at AskDifference.com, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

Edited by
Tayyaba Rehman

Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to askdifference.com. As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba’s passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

What Is A Freeway

To summarise, the configuration of freeways can be seen as:

  • Consists of a minimum of 2 parallel roadways for each direction, with at least 4 sections/lanes in total. Emergency lanes are also present in both directions.
  • No crossing points for approaching vehicles, allowing you to travel more safely at higher speeds.
  • Substantial dividers are used between each direction of travel. These central medians could be as simple as a strip of grass, a collection of stones, a gravel path, or a heavy concrete barrier.
  • No road signs, traffic lights, rail crossings, pedestrian routes, or intersections. Thus, traffic flow can remain constant and uninterrupted.
  • Traffic throughout a freeway can be carried with overpasses, underpasses, and interchanges.

What Is A Highway

“Highway” is a rather generic term used to define roads that have a higher speed of travel relative to regular streets and roads. Often, highways link two points, such as two cities or large towns. This then allows the transportation of people and goods between them. Concerning their design, a highway is sometimes meant to be restricted in access to certain vehicles and have toll booths along the way.

In short, the layout of highways can be summarised as:

  • Primarily connects major urban centers, such as cities and towns, or larger neighborhoods.
  • They can sometimes be elevated roadways and built high above the landscapes surrounding them.
  • Have one lane for either direction of traffic, or could comprise of additional lanes (aka multilane).
  • Access can be restricted, either by controlling them to specific vehicles or limiting them by quantity.
  • They may have a divider in between each direction of travel or may remain undivided. At the very least, it’ll be divided with painted markers.
  • It may or may not have any medians, boulders, or barriers. Although, it may include left turn lanes.

What are Highways?

Highways are referred to as public road that connects major cities and towns. They have higher speed limits than regular street roads as they have long and wide roads. Though they have speed limits, it is not more than the freeways. They comprise many toll gates, intersections, and traffic signals. Highways can also be two-lane with wider roads.

It is noted that when we are on highways, we encounter a lot of crowded places. And it is because of all the intersections we face on the highway. Apart from intersections, there are tollgates, which might take up your precious time, if the line of vehicles is long then you are already late. It appears that highways are not the right path.  But it is essential to understand highways are the most sustainable and vital form of roadways; where trucks loaded with heavy carriages, daily passers who visit big cities, long-distance travellers, and vice versa, all are dependent on highways and without these wide-laned roads, it is not possible to make road transport possible. And without highways, it is impossible.

National Highways of India

Major highways are often named and numbered by the government to make it easy to divide and maintain. The Indian government has developed a system known as the National Highway System (NHS). National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) and the National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) are the nodal agencies responsible for building, upgrading, and maintaining most of the national highway network. It operates under the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.

National Highways constituted 2.7 % of India’s total road network, and carry 40% of road traffic, as to the data of 2013. Most of the existing highways are now four-lane roads. Though, some have expanded to six or more lanes. These roads consist of cameras at every crossing, toll gates, and bypass. Bypasses have been constructed around large towns and cities to create easy passages for highway traffic. According to the report of 2021, the total length of national highways all across India has expanded to 151,019 km.

National Highway Act of 1956 was provided for the maintenance of highways.  It was an act passed by the government of India. Highways started as a private venture. Later, it became both a public and private venture.

National highways have flyover access and control-access highway. The entry and exit to the highway flyover are through the sides. Bypass has also been constructed for entry into the city or town. Some flyovers have interchanges between them. The national highways of India have a good connection with every small village and large city. After a long time, a system is built, to almost reach every small village, not only through pathways but through good-pitched roads constructed by the government.

The National highway system of India makes every city and village reachable by roads. For example, NH13, NH5 and vice versa. NH44 is the longest national highway in India and it is approximately 3,745 km long. It joins the northern and southern borders of India. The highway begins at Srinagar and ends at Kanyakumari.

There are also some highways, which have well-maintained roads and many more specifications. And these are called Expressways.


Expressways are the highest class of roads. It has been constructed over complete new routes, passing near every large centre in the middle of the city. They are a very advanced form of highways in modern times. They hold a very subtle importance in today’s world. Certain expressways have changed the structure of roadways across the city. It has balanced the traffic flow across the whole city. Jams are frequent, but the flow is continuous. No vehicle stays in traffic for a long time except on some mass event in the city either a cricket match or a big public holiday like New Year’s and Christmas. Though cities are changing, routes and roads are also improving; better routes have started to build and are now a major part of the development. Converting most of the highways near cities into expressways can change the city transportation, but it is a big task.

What is Expressway?

An expressway is a broad route designed for high-speed traffic. Multiple designated lanes, including a commercial lane, are present on the expressway. The expressway’s function is to enable smooth traffic flow by allocating lanes for vehicles approaching crossroads.

Characteristics of Expressway

Here are some merits & characteristics of an expressway and driving on it. Let’s check them out —

  • Expressways are suitable for large transportation systems.
  • The number of fatalities and collisions is far lower on expressways because there is no cross-traffic.
  • Concrete structures separate opposing traffic.
  • On expressways, motorcyclists, slow-moving cars, and walkers are not permitted.
  • They are designed to assist drivers in efficient anticipation.

What Are The Different Types Of Roads?


We often use the terms “highway” and “freeway” interchangeably, but there is a significant difference between the two. A highway is mainly a public road for vehicular traffic, while a freeway is an expressway or motorway with grade separation between lanes. Additionally, a highway typically has greater capacity than a freeway.


We use the term ‘freeway’ to describe a type of road that has been designed for high traffic volumes and speeds. These roads are typically divided into expressways, primary highways, and secondary highways.


Expressways are the most high-traffic and fastest roads in the country. They are designed for speeds up to 70 mph and usually have a higher toll rate than other highways.

Primary Highways

Primary highways are the middle class of freeways. These roads typically have a lower toll rate than expressways. But they don’t offer the same speed or traffic volume level as expressways.

Secondary Highways

Secondary highways are the low-traffic roads in the country. They typically have a lower toll rate than primary highways. But don’t offer the same speed or traffic volume as expressways.

Similarities between Freeways and Highways

Road Network

– Freeways and highways both are essential components of road networks, designed to facilitate the movement of traffic efficiently and safely. Both are major roads designed to accommodate high volumes of traffic over long distances. They serve as vital transportation links connecting cities, regions, and states, enabling the smooth flow of goods and people. Highways, however, are roadways with a higher speed limit for vehicles than other road networks.

Controlled Access

– Freeways are more like divided highways that typically have controlled access points. This allows vehicles to enter and exit at designated interchanges and ramps. You can only enter freeways by designated ramps and cross them via an underpass or overpass. This controlled access feature helps minimize potential traffic and improves the safety of vehicles by preventing direct access from adjacent pathways.

Speed Limits

– Both types of roadways generally have higher speed limits compared to urban streets, state highways, and local roads. They are designed to support faster travel and improve the efficiency of long-distance journeys and intercity transportation. Highways have more traffic signals and more lanes for traffic control. Highways have slightly higher speed limits, though.

Divided Lanes

– A freeway is basically a highway with a lot of fast-moving vehicles and greater visibility. They often consist of multiple lanes, divided by medians or barriers. This separation helps to manage traffic flow, reduce congestion, and enhance safety by preventing head-on collisions and minimizing side-swipe accidents. However, freeways don’t have traffic signals, crossings, and intersections.

Long-Distance Travel

– Both highways and freeways are high-capacity road networks designed to handle significant volumes of traffic and facilitate long-distance travel between cities, states, and regions. They offer faster travel times and smoother traffic flow compared to local roads. This makes them suitable for intercity and interstate transportation.

What is a Freeway?

Freeway can be considered as a toll-free express highway. You can travel with high speeds in a freeway, as long as it is under the speed limit allowed. Moreover, freeways seldom pass through crowded places. So, if you are travelling to a long distance, choose a freeway. Also, a freeway does not have intersections in between. Therefore, a freeway is bereft of crowded nature due to the absence of intersections. Tollgates are not generally seen in a freeway; in other words, it is a toll-free highway. As there are no intersections and tollgates in a freeway, you will not see any traffic signals too. Hence, it is understood that the journey in a freeway is generally not impeded and is continuous. This may be one of the reasons of preference of freeway to highway. One of the primary reasons of the lack of crowd in freeway is that it is often characterized by the presence of up to 6 lanes all through. When the traffic is divided into 6 lanes the speed of each vehicle increases and everyone has space to reach their destinations without waiting in traffic.

What is the difference between Highway and Freeway?

• Highway connects two major cities and is normally crowded. The intersections in a highway are the primary cause for the crowded nature of the path.

• Freeways are not much crowded as highways.

• Travelling with a high speed is possible in a freeway, but in a highway, you have to limit your speed.

• Highways at times pass through crowded places whereas freeways seldom pass through crowded places.

• One of the major differences between highway and freeway is that highway will have many intersections in between. On the other hand, a freeway does not have intersections in between.

• Toll gates are present when travelling in a highway. Such is not the case with a freeway.

• Freeways have lanes up to 6 all through. Highways, on the contrary, have lanes anywhere between 2 to 4 all through. This is one of the major differences between a highway and a freeway.

• In short, a freeway can be considered as a toll-free express highway.

Images Courtesy:

  1.  by Haljackey (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Exiting a Freeway

Leaving a freeway is much like entering one, except in reverse. Normally, a sign at the side of the road will give the name or number of the exit. A deceleration lane at the side allows the driver to signal a turn, pull out of traffic into the deceleration lane, and to slow down enough to manage the exit safely.

These exits can sometimes have quite sharp curves, and it is important to take note of any speed signs posted along the way. Although they are normally recommended speeds rather than absolute limits, they are based on recommendations from experts about the speeds that they consider to be safe. If a traffic light or stop sign follows soon after an exit, slowing down quickly but smoothly is especially important. Also, if drivers miss one exit, they should continue on the next one rather than trying to stop and back up.


Freeways are control-access highways, meaning that it has limited traffic control to allow for free-flowing traffic. Connecting major cities from one another, they are only accessible via entrance and exit ramps, are devoid of any stop lights, intersections, and have limited traffic control (if at all). This makes them perfect roadways for trucking and shipping as the speed limits in these roads are faster than your average side street. Because a lot of the drivers and truckers in the freeway travel long distances, rest areas are built alongside the road to allow them to momentarily stop without having to exit. 

What is a highway?

A highway, as you might imagine has a very loose definition. In fact, it’s simply a public road intended for rapid transit that could have restricted access as well as tolls. When we say restricted access, we mean that the road limits access to certain vehicle types, like passenger cars and trucks. By now you’ve probably noticed signs restricting bicycles and pedestrians from riding on high-speed roadways.

Still, there are legal differences between highways and interstates. Since high-speed roads don’t have to restrict access, there’s typically a lower speed limit on highways compared to the interstate. On highways, the average speed limit is 55 mph, while major roads that connect states are typically closer to 75 mph. 

What is a freeway?

A highway in Denali | Erik Sherman, MotorBiscuit

Freeway is typically a broad term used regionally, not unlike the perennial “pop versus soda” debate. However, as its name implies, the road type is a restricted-access highway that’s supposed to be free for motorists to use. 

That’s really the semantic difference between the two popular terms; a freeway is free, and a highway could include tolls. However, the term gets just as much use as others to describe any high-speed roadway. Additionally, freeways tend to connect big cities together, while the Interstate System connects the states together.

On top of that, while much of the Interstate System is toll-free, there are parts that do include toll roads, and as such, they aren’t freeways. 

Regardless of these small differences, however, most Americans can comfortably use roadway terminology interchangeably and most people will understand what they’re talking about. Keep up with MotorBiscuit for the latest on driving, travel, and safety!

Key Differences

Highways can encompass various road types within them and are inclusive of different kinds of roads, including freeways. These prominent routes, irrespective of their size, are fundamental in connecting cities, towns, and even countries, with their nature, functionality, and regulations being defined by the respective local or federal authorities. A single highway can exhibit differing characteristics along its length, proffering a mutable transit environment that might alternately prioritize speed, accessibility, or even scenic enjoyment, depending on the specific region or sector.

Sumera SaeedOct 08, 2023


Freeways confer an express and high-speed transit experience, with design and regulation expressly mitigating potential interruptions or slowdowns. These routes are especially essential in metropolises and densely populated areas, as they facilitate swift intercity and intracity mobility, thereby becoming critical arteries that pulse with incessant vehicular life. The functional absence of intersections, traffic signals, and the rigorous regulation of access points mitigate congestion, streamline traffic flow, and usually enable higher speed limits, facilitating comparatively expedited journeys.

Samantha WalkerOct 08, 2023


Highway represents a major public road that can accommodate vehicles traveling between cities or towns. Fundamentally, highways are significant routes that facilitate transport and communication across various regions. On the highway, intersections, traffic signals, and sometimes pedestrian access are commonplace, permitting varied types of vehicular and sometimes non-vehicular movement. Occasionally, highways may demand toll fees, or alternatively, some might be free to utilize, enhancing their ubiquity and functional accessibility in different contexts.

Sumera SaeedOct 08, 2023


Freeway, meanwhile, symbolizes a particular type of highway that provides unbridled and continuous flow of vehicles without the intervention of traffic lights and intersections. Freeways assure a streamlined, swift, and generally, an unimpeded transit experience, as they characteristically disallow non-motorized traffic and prohibit direct property access. Typically, these are designed with wider lanes, ample shoulder areas, and employ controlled-access points or interchanges, substantiating a systematic, and oftentimes, speedier traverse through urban and interurban realms.

Sumera SaeedOct 08, 2023


Highways, being inclusive of a diverse array of road types, demonstrate remarkable variability in their physical and functional characteristics. Depending on geographic, demographic, and administrative contexts, highways can demonstrate vastly divergent features, like lane width, speed limits, and permissible vehicle types, affirming their position as versatile conduits that cater to varied transit needs, preferences, and situations. Freeways invariably emanate a consistent commitment to speed and efficiency, but highways, in their inclusivity and variability, embody a wider spectrum of transit philosophies and experiences.

Samantha WalkerOct 08, 2023



Какие признаки указывают на то, что дорога является главной?

Главная дорога, как правило, характеризуется широкой и ровной полосой движения, имеет более качественное покрытие, часто обозначена разделительной полосой или тротуаром. На главных дорогах также могут быть пешеходные переходы с светофорами, въездные и выездные полосы, а также дорожные знаки, информирующие о главной дороге.

Какие признаки указывают на то, что дорога является второстепенной?

Второстепенная дорога обычно более узкая и имеет менее качественное покрытие, отсутствует разделительная полоса или тротуар. На второстепенных дорогах чаще встречаются ограничения скорости, а также могут быть указатели, указывающие на главные дороги.

Как определить, что дорога является главной при отсутствии дорожных знаков?

Если на перекрестке две дороги имеют примерно одинаковую ширину, покрытие и никаких маркеров, то дорогу можно считать главной, если на нее нет пропускающих знаков и въезда запрещено со стороны прилегающей дороги.

Какие преимущества имеет главная дорога перед второстепенной?

Главная дорога обычно обеспечивает более быстрое и комфортное передвижение, так как на ней меньше препятствий в виде остановок на перекрестках и пешеходных переходах. Также главные дороги имеют большую пропускную способность и, как правило, лучшее качество дорожного покрытия.

Какие опасности могут подстерегать на главной дороге?

На главных дорогах скорость движения обычно выше, поэтому снижение внимания и несоблюдение правил дорожного движения может привести к авариям и травмам. Также на главных дорогах может быть большое количество пешеходов, поэтому водителям нужно быть внимательными и осторожными.

Как правильно вести себя на второстепенной дороге?

При движении по второстепенной дороге необходимо быть готовыми к тому, что на главных дорогах может быть большее движение, поэтому нужно быть внимательными и предельно соблюдать правила дорожного движения

Особенно важно уступать дорогу на перекрестках и пешеходных переходах, а также не создавать препятствий для движения на главных дорогах

Main differences between Freeways and Highways in points

  • Freeways have control access, which makes them preferable over highways. Highways do not have control access and are not as modern as freeways.
  • Freeways take care of the traffic, as they do not have any grade crossings. It has higher speed limits than highways. Highways have more jam issues, as compared with highways.
  • Highways which connect the major cities of the country are designed to give a better road experience, smooth flow of vehicles and safety to different degrees.
  • It has been everywhere that the major difference between freeways and highways is the presence of tolls. Highways have tolls in major crossings, bridges, or flyovers. Whereas, freeways do not have any tolls, which makes it a faster way to reach the destination.
  • Another difference is the connections that highways and freeways create. Freeways connect the cities. Whereas, highways go into all types of areas from rural to urban. It makes business easy for daily passers, as freeways can provide a smooth way to the destination.
  • There are many ways to access highways which makes them a little unsafe as compared to freeways. Freeways are entered only through ramps. Whereas, highways are entered through many access points like intersections, ramps and vice versa.

What is a Highway

In the US and throughout the world, a highway is any public or private road that is a major road and that has a higher speed limit than other roads. Highways are wider and typically have multiple lanes for one direction of traffic. However, highways can also be two-lane roads with broader shoulders. In highways, access is not stringently controlled by the entrance or exit ramps.

“Highway” has a wider definition than “freeway.” On highways, there can be stoplights, cross-traffic, and even pedestrian causeways in some situations. Consequently, highways are likely to move a little slower than freeways.

Now and then, a highway will signify a two-lane road, but it is generally a little broader than other roadways. They will frequently have extensive shoulders and are made to have higher speed limits than minor roadways.

Highways can be located across the country, be it four-lane or two-lane. They are inclined to be more rural, in general, than a freeway. That does not mean that the freeways do not pass through rural and far-off areas – they unquestionably do – but highways have a tendency to allow access to those parts.

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